Local January 16, 2015 | 12:47 pm

Only in Dominican Republic: Please arrest me, suspect pleads

Santo Domingo.- In yet another ‘only in Dominican Republic’ oddity, a National Police 1st. Lt., named in the indictment of the Police Narcotics Div. (DICAN) stole ‘vanished’ drug case, on Friday said once he learned of a warrant for his arrest went to the Justice Ministry, "not to drag me" into the scandal.

William González Guerrero said he learned through the media that he was suspected of having transported more than 900 kilos of cocaine stolen from the DICAN.

So, he says he’ll turn himself in to clarify that he’s not involved in this transaction and doesn’t work in DICAN.

Quoted by acento.com.do, the officer said he’s a friend of Maj. Rudy Álvares, also indicted, but denied taking part in the raid where the drug “vanished.”

Gonzalez added that when went to the Justice Ministry to turn himself in, "they then say they’ll call me in for questioning."

Meanwhile the 10 defendants who’ve been arrested thus far face arraignment at the Santo Domingo Province Courthouse.

Indicted: Máximo Antonio Díaz Ogando, Ramón Augusto Veras Castro, Col. Carlos Fernández Valerio, Lt. Col. Feliz Humberto Paulino López, Maj. Luciano Gómez Cabrera, Maj. Carlos R. Amezquita Reinoso, 1st Lt. Barbaro Torrez Beltrán, Cabo Agapito Muñoz Evangelista, prívate Raidirys Lironely García Miranda (woman) and Sgt. Pedro J. Almanzar González.

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