Local February 3, 2015 | 4:37 pm

Guild wants a probe into death threats against journalists

Santo Domingo.-The Dominican Journalists Guild (CDP) on Tuesday condemned the campaign of "hatred, slander, defamation and death threats” unleashed against journalists Juan Bolivar Diaz, Huchi Lora, Roberto Cavada and Amelia Deschamps.

Guild president Olivo De Leon called the alleged death threats a very serious situation,” as denounced by the four veteran journalists and a sign of intolerance by sectors he affirms don’t support democratic coexistence.

He called on Justice minister Francisco Dominguez; National District prosecutor Jenny Berenice Reynoso and National Police chief Manuel Castro to order an investigation into the allegations, to bring those behind the threats to justice.

De Leon also asked president Danilo Medina to intervene in the case to put a stop to the campaign, “which doesn’t contribute more than to generate hatred, ill will and division among the Dominican people.

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