Local February 3, 2015 | 7:56 am

More evidence against embattled Dominican Republic senator

Santo Domingo.-In the Justice Ministry’s embezzlement, money laundering and forgery case against senator Felix Bautista, a driver and a maid figure as "shareholders" in the company Consorcio Hemisferio Imperial.

The Justice Ministry says it has conclusive evidence to prove Bautista’s crimes, for which he joined that company to his network of business, activities and partners to spread his fortune. "This company, closely linked to the accused, at Ortega y Gasset Av, Naco, is the same address or registered office of the company Constructora Hadom SRL, owned by Felix Bautista."

In a statement, the Justice Ministry said Anticorruption Dept. (Pepca) investigators obtained relevant evidence to prove that the defendant linked the corporate network to the Consorcio, formed in January 8, 2007, with a capital of RD$5.0 million."Who is listed as president of Consorcio Hemisferio is a former manager of a maintenance company in the state of Florida which in turn, has as main partners, a housemaid and another man whose profession is that of driver."

It said among the bank products purchased on behalf of the Consorcio s figures Reservas Bank account No.100-1-240012046-8 opened January 5, 2007, which despite being canceled, since it didn’t figure as active, moved income and expenses in more than RD$3.34 billion.

The Justice Ministry adds that the name of Consorcio was authorized in 2010, for a period of 10 years to Gina Mireya Quezada Bautista and has been legally controlled by Bienvenido Apolinar Breton Medina, “who is close friend and key supporter of the defendant (Senator Felix Bautista, Organization Secretary of Dominican Republic’s ruling PLD party.

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