Local February 3, 2015 | 9:48 am

Mostly sunny skies, mild temps, showers for NW, center

Santo Domingo.- The National Weather Office (Onamet) forecasts low probability of rainfall from a high pressure system over northeastern Atlantic coast, except for scattered showers for the Northwest and Central Mountains Tuesday afternoon.

It said weather conditions won’t change during the next 24 to 48 hours, as the high pressure system continues stationary over the country.

Onamet continues its advisories of higher-than-normal waves along the north and northeast coasts, for small craft to remain in port from Manzanillo to Cabo Engaño.

It said the skies over the northwest and central regions will be partly cloudy Tuesday afternoon and evening, with temperature ranging from a high of 30ºC to a low of 20ºC.

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