Official says ‘villainous’ allegations against ex president will be probed

Santo Domingo.- Interior and Police José Ramón Fadul on Thursday announced an investigation into the allegations against former president Leonel Fernandez, allegedly by drug trafficking ex-convict Quirino Paulino, on the Z-101radio station.
Nonetheless the official said he doubts that the caller was the extradited drug trafficker, and warned that "this won’t remain as is…, we’re investigating."
He called the media frenzy “a montage by people with the most unspeakable villainy,” linked to the political opposition, “which in time we’ll tell you who they are.”
He said the case will be taken to the end, “because you cannot allow slander former president Leonel Fernandez, nor revile him with pettiness.”
Interviewed in the National Palace, the official called the media’s coverage of the so-called smear campaign against Fernandez “regretful.”
Paulino, interviewed on Z 101, said he gave Fernandez RD$200 million in campaign financing in 2004 , and paid RD$7.0 million for a power plant he affirms gave to the former president’s Global Foundation for Development and Democracy (FUNGLODE).