Local March 23, 2015 | 7:58 am

Dominican Republic touts its foreign policy in Washington

Washington DC.- Dominican Republic’s Foreign Minister met with State Dept. officials and US lawmakers over the weekend in Washington DC, to provide details of the new foreign policy enacted by president Danilo Medina’s Administration.

Andrés Navarro met separately with Tom Malinowski, Thomas Shannon, of the State Dept., and Democratic congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, to discuss the new strategy behind Dominican Republic’s foreign policy, and said the recently created Human Rights entity reveals “unconditional respect for human rights.”

He also noted the restart of talks with Haiti authorities which he affirms aim to achieve increasingly harmonious and respectful ties and mutual cooperation between two nations.

"President Danilo Medina instructed us to make the Respect and Protection of Human Rights Agency one of the main pillars of the new foreign policy, convinced that we must safeguard human beings above all, so we’re working tirelessly on that entity, unprecedented in Dominican Foreign Ministry history," said the Dominican diplomat, who had already met with White House and OAS officials last week.

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry said Navarro also stressed the good atmosphere among the Dominican and Haitian governments, which resumed talks aimed at accomplishing the economic and social development of both nations through trade, investment and cooperation.

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