Local April 7, 2015 | 8:03 am

Politicos increasingly linked to contract murders: El Dia

Santo Domingo.- Since former Bayaguana (east) mayor Osvaldo Sosa was charged with ordering the death of councilman Renato de Jesus Castillo in mid-2014, news of politicians linked to organized crime haven’t ceased and have spread like a blight with municipal officials at the center.

Opposition PRD party councilman Ericson de los Santos, of the town Peter Brand, was sent to prison earlier this year as main suspect and as head of a gang of hitmen working for transport sector leaders.

"This reflects the need for the country to improve its electoral legislation and that strong action must be established against any crime committed by politicians," said Manuel Robles, spokesman for the Zero Impunity Movement, quoted by eldia.com.do.

The police on Friday announced the most recent case marring a politician’s career, as Jimaní (west) councilman Luis Domingo Medina was charged with heading a ring that transported marijuana to Santo Domingo.

In yet another case one of those linked to the death of Energy and Mines deputy minister in Cotui (central) claims that a politician ordered the hit.

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