Local April 14, 2015 | 3:31 pm

Dominican-Haiti border reinforced; manhunt for peacekeeper’s killer(Update2)

Dajabón, Dominican Republic.- The Dominican truckers union Fenatrado lifted its blockade of cargo into Haiti, after reaching an agreement to resume transport to Haiti today Wednesday, in which Dominican and Haiti diplomatic authorities pledged to pay t he damages four tractor trailers that were looted near the Haiti town of Ouanaminthe.

FILE. The Dominican truckers union FENATRADO has blocked traffic from the Dominican side of the border since Monday, demanding payment of US$100,000 for merchandise seized in their trucks impounded in Haiti .

FILE. The violent protests which have been occurring in nearby Ouanaminthe since Monday and which claimed the life of a UN (MINUSTAH) peacekeeper and injured a Haitian police agent has prompted Dominican Republic’s Border Guards (Cesfront) to heighten security at the border crossing near Dajabón.

Cesfront commander Carlos Aguirre said patrols along the border have been increased, while MINUSTAH and Haiti’s Police occupied Ouanaminthe and seek the assailants suspected of the peacekeeper’s death, who are still on the loose.

Haitian Police agents have been posted at strategic points around Ouanaminthe and search all vehicles leaving town headed to the Dominican Republic, to keep the suspects from fleeing across the border into Dominican territory, according to reports.

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