Local April 28, 2015 | 10:24 am

Fine for woman faked calls to 9-1-1 sets precedent

Santo Domingo.- The National District 1st Jurisdiction Court slapped a fine on a woman who made 40 fake calls to the National Emergency System 9-1-1, setting a precedent in the fledgling service.

It’s the first ever conviction on charges of making fake or nuisance calls to 9-1-1, a system placed into operation late last year

The court sentenced Lismer Esther Ramirez Capois to pay a RD$1,000 fine, as request from the National District Office of the Prosecutor.

The charges against Ramirez were filed on November 26, 2014, by the National Emergency System, after an investigation revealed that the System reported receiving dozens of calls from the same phone, owned by the accused.

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