Local April 28, 2015 | 1:09 pm

Threats to sovereignty persist 50 years after April Revolt: Cardinal

Santo Domingo.- Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez on Tuesday said 50 years after the April 1965 Revolution threats to national sovereignty persist, and called on citizens to confront any attempt against Dominican Republic’s sovereignty.

"After 50 years the people remember, don’t forget the shamelessness against the Dominican Republic by foreign troops," the prelate said during a mass by the opposition PRD party to mark the event. "We must always keep our honor and never allow such impudence, they should go home to their family to do what they wish, but not here."

López said 50 years of horror cannot go unnoticed. "Out of respect for sovereignty we must remember that the threat of people who have no shame and still think of their political project persist and people need to stand up against those who seek to besmirch our honor."

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