Local April 29, 2015 | 5:54 pm

Drivers who terrorized bus with children ‘will be charged’

Santo Domingo.- Justice minister Francisco Dominguez on Wednesday said those who threatened to burn a bus with 50 children inside will be prosecuted, an announcement which comes just hours after an incident stoked by drivers in the town Boca Chica.

"It’s not possible that a sector takes an action that could border on terrorism, much less if it affects innocent children," Dominguez tweeted.

The bus drivers reportedly threatened to set fire to a bust claiming that the Evangelical school in Andrés Boca Chica is committed to contract buses belonging to their union to take the children to the Book Fair in Santo Domingo.

“What happened to the children at Boca Chica is unacceptable,” Dominguez warned. “Those responsible for the incident will be prosecuted."

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