Local May 5, 2015 | 12:17 pm

Delegation looks to boost US$104M trade; Padeinalabama.com

Santo Domingo.- A delegation headed by Alabama Commerce Secretary Greg Canfield arrives in the Dominican Republic today on a four-day trade and business development mission that focuses on ports, education and tourism, madeinalabama.com reports Tuesday.

“This week’s trade mission follows a visit last year by the Dominican Trade Facilitation Group to Alabama, where the group received a close-up view of operations at the Port of Mobile, one of the nation’s busiest seaports,” the outlet said in Montgomery.

It said the visit comes as trade ties between Alabama and the Dominican Republican continue to solidify. “In 2014, Alabama exports to the Caribbean nation approached US$104 million, an increase of 130 percent from the figure five years earlier. Top Alabama products shipped to the Dominican Republic are wood, minerals, paper and paperboard, vehicles, and iron and steel.”

“The trade mission will give representatives of Alabama universities, tourism organizations, logistics firms and port authorities an opportunity to evaluate opportunities in the Dominican market,” Secretary Canfield said. “The mission offers them a rare chance to engage with key stakeholders and meet with national government officials and industry leaders,” madeinalabama.com reports.

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