Local May 7, 2015 | 8:55 am

Haiti works to issue passports for its citizens in Dominican soil

Santo Domingo.- Haiti’s recently-named Foreign minister Lener Renauld on Wednesday said president Michel Martelly’s administration works to solve the problems in issuing passports for Haitians living in Dominican Republic.

The diplomat spoke with Dominican par Andres Navarro, during the meeting of foreign ministers of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in Quito, Ecuador.

The officials discussed the efforts made by both countries to ensure the continuity of the process agreed to with the previous Haitian Foreign minister Duly Brutus.

"We’re currently working on the structuring of a national identity card to issue the document as soon as possible to those Haitians who applied for the Regularization Plan in the Dominican Republic," said Renauld, in a statement from the Dominican Foreign Ministry.

“The two diplomats agreed to continue the consolidation of the bi-national dialogue in the search for answers to issues of common interest,” the statement said.

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