Local May 12, 2015 | 3:11 pm

Issues in region’s countries concern LatAm Catholic bishops

Santo Domingo.- The Latin American and Caribbean Episcopal Council (CELAM) on Tuesday stated the Catholic Church’s concern with various issues affecting the region’s countries, including migration.

They Catholic bishops called the situation with migration very serious but stressed their church’s awareness that the migrants need help.

They said CELAM aims to join forces with the organizations that work with that part of the population.

CELAM Economic Committee chairman bishop Carlos Collazzi, second vice president Dimas Lara Barbosa and media and communications coordinator Adalberto Martinez made the statements during a news conference as part of the conclave held in the Casa Diocesana Maria de la Altagracia.

Collazzi noted however that all issues on Earth concern the Catholic Church.

The bishops declined to refer to the situation of Haitian migrants in the Dominican Republic, claiming they’ve no knowledge and said they want to listen from the bishops of the countries present at the meeting.

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