Local May 19, 2015 | 10:54 am

Showers ease drought; utility pumps more water from wells

Santo Domingo.- Piped water supply jumped to 306 million gallons on Monday from the weekend rains over the Haina river’s lower and middle basins, which cut the deficit to just 94 million gallons.

The Santo Domingo Water Utility (CAASD) said despite an increase of 28 million gallons the drought continues to plague Greater Santo Domingo, “so we hope for an improvement with the occurrence of rains in the coming days as reported by the National Meteorology Office.”

CAASD deputy director Luis Salcedo said only the Haina river improved its volume, because it didn’t rain on the upper basin, site of the intakes of the aqueducts Isa and Duey rivers.

"The Haina-Manoguayabo system increased production by 10 million gallons, the remaining 18 million were increased due to higher production of the systems that extract groundwater, such as the well fields," the official said.

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