Local June 1, 2015 | 10:55 am

US seeks heightened security in Dominican airports

Santo Domingo.- The US Department of Homeland Security wants to establish its ‘Global Entry’ airports preclearance program for travelers in the Dominican Republic, which allows registering arrivals digitally to gain time prior to reaching immigration and customs officers.

In a statement released Friday the federal agency said in addition to Dominican Republic it negotiates the same program with eight other mostly Europe countries, and Japan.

US and foreign airlines have announced approval to the efforts by national security of the US.

"The pre-inspection saves time for passengers and security, reducing the waiting time for travelers and airport officials," the US government said.

Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, said the program would be open busiest airports in the countries mentioned.

With the program, travelers can spend the passport machine reading data, flight number and general information and before arriving at the immigration official, he already has the data on the computer.

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