Local June 9, 2015 | 8:20 am

Opposition says bribe scandal tests Dominican Republic society

Santo Domingo.- The spokesman of Dominican Republic’s major opposition party (PRM) on Monday said a formal complaint will be filed this week at the Justice Ministry, into alleged bribes paid legislators to pass the law that allows a president to seek reelection.

Nelson Arroyo said take the case must be investigated because in his view no one in Congress is going to incriminate themselves or confirm they were offered money. "Here we all know and hear the conversations that take place in the restaurant and the work tables."

The lawmaker from San Pedro province said the scandal is an opportunity for society to determine if there’s justice in the Dominican Republic and whether Justice minister Francisco Dominguez can conduct a serious investigation.

"It would be great to see people debating their position in front of Justice. No one is so foolish as to do anything and get a paycheck, but there are other things that are done which leave fingerprints and we’re following those prints," the lawmaker said.

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