Local June 11, 2015 | 9:56 am

Despite popularity Dominican leader shuns the press

Santo Domingo.- During president Danilo Medina’s nearly threeyears in office encounters with the press have been few and far between,despite his high popularity.

Same goes with the population, which he’s addressed just once,except for the State of the country on Feb. 27, as required by law.

Unlike his predecessor Leonel Fernandez, who, though not talkativewith the media, but offered televised interviews and spoke with reporters in certainevents, Medina’s attitude when approached by journalists becomes tight-lipped.

And although when approached by journalists he even and blowskisses at them, he doesn’t field their questions and always responds with thesame total silence.

Whether ribbon cuttings for works, an official visit to aperson or an institution or in one of his daily activities, president’s behavioris systematic: Medina does not stop to talk with reporters even when his securitydetail allows them access.

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