Local June 17, 2015 | 3:28 pm

Dominican Republic rolls out alien deportation juggernaut

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic’s Immigration Agencyon Wednesday specified how and when it will carry out the repatriation of undocumentedimmigrants who didn’t register for the government program to legalize aliens, whichconcludes Wednesday.

In a statement, Immigration director Ruben Paulino Semsaid the deportations will be conducted carried with respect for the immigrants’human rights, treating each case individually with the detainees taken tospecial centers with trained people.

He said the repatriations, to be conducted Monday toSaturday from 6am to 5pm, form are part of the Migration Policy Action Plan 2015-2016,prepared by president Danilo Medina.

“We have identified seven (07) Reception Centers to beused for sorting and final evaluation of each particular case. These centersare in the National District (Vacacional Haina), Santiago Province, Benerito (LaAltagracia Province), Pedernales, Jimaní, Elías Piña and Dajabón,” the officialsaid.

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