Local June 29, 2015 | 9:05 am

Want a gas station in Dominican territory?…Pay a ‘toll’

Santo Domingo.- The recent sprouting of gasoline and propane gas stations in residential areas, near schools and churches across the country in addition to violating zoning laws reveal influence peddling to obtain a license with "tolls" as high as RD$3.0 million to bribe the officials who issuance permits.

“The tolls don’t include tax payment, ranging from RD$30,000 to RD$50,000,” reports elnacional.com.do, quoting people who fear retaliation from senior government officials.

In Santo Domingo National District and other provinces, violations are recurrent when permits are issued to install gasoline and propane gas stations ignoring protests from people living in residential subdivisions, or n next to schools, colleges, churches, clubs or shopping malls where such constructions are banned.

"The Industry and Commerce Regulatory Plan has over 100 requests in the pipeline and more than 70 percent of these already been approved to set up their stations and many of them violate laws and regulations, " the source said.

Elnacional.com.do adds that people have affirmed that among the officials involved in the “disorder” figure the ministries of the Environment, Industry and Commerce and Public Works.

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