Local July 22, 2015 | 9:34 am

Deputy who slammed the president on corruption to launch bid

Santo Domingo.- Independent deputy Minou Tavarez Mirabal will launch her politicalproject Opcion Democratica (democratic choice) at the Hotel Lina on August 23, withprominent figures of several sectors expected to attend.

Earlier this Tavares announced her resignation from theruling PLD party, and slammed alleged president Danilo Medina on alleged governmentcorruption during his administration.

She said several scandals including the purchase of SuperTucano planes from Brazil; the Odebrecht scandal in that nation, as well as theconstruction of the coal-fired power plants at Punta Catalina will be Medina’s “Sunland-gate,”in reference to alleged kickbacks to ruling PLD party senator Felix Bautista,during the Leonel Fernandez presidency (2004-2012).

Outlet elcaribe.com.do reports that the so called "Minou’sparty" will be announced at the activity since it already counts with allthe required signatures and 32 offices operating in as many provinces acrossthe country.

"We’ve been working discretely but we will launchthe party and in this activity we will launch Minou Tavarez Mirabal’s presidentialcandidacy," the source said.

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