Local July 28, 2015 | 7:56 am

Dominican capital has just 35 days of water

Santo Domingo.- National Water Institute (Inapa) AlbertoHolguin director on Monday warned that if there’s no rain Greater Santo Domingohas water for 35 only days and 90 in Santiago.

The official went to theNational Palace to meet with president Danilo Medina together with dams andcanals agency (INDRHI) director Olgo Fernandez to deal with the water crisis.

Holguin warned thatthe drought across the Dominican Republic is the “most aggressive” he hass feltin recent years.

To deal with thecrunch Santo Domingo Water Utility (Caasd) advised car washes to control thewater, whose supply from reservoirs and dams plummeted to only five milliongallons daily.

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