UK helps train Dominican antinarcotics agents, donates scanner

Santo Domingo.- TheUnited Kingdom and the National Drugs Control Agency (DNCD) on Monday began to traininvestigators for the new "Drug Trafficking Crime Division" (DTCN),created to counter the trafficking of drugs from the country to Europe.
DNCD president JulioCesar Souffront, British ambassador Steven Fisher and UK National Crime Agency(NCA) liaison Nick Fowler opened 12 courses that will until December 16.
They said the initiativeaims to prevent drug trafficking networks from shipping drug to theNetherlands, Spain, England and other European nations, which use Dominicanairports and ports as a way station.
He said internationalcooperation is essential to tackle the scourge of drugs on which DominicanRepublic is committed support from the government. “The DNCD expects other countries to share acommitment to invest in attacking the scourge of drugs and money laundering.”
Souffront stressedthe importance of UK´s donations , such as a scanner truck that will be used tocarry out low-invasive checks of containers at the ports.