Local August 7, 2015 | 8:37 am

Dominican Govt. ensures the people´s peace, with troops

Santo Domingo.- Thegovernment on Thursday guaranteed the peace of the Dominican people, andannounced more concrete details in thecoming days on what´s being done to fight crime

Presidency chief ofstaff Gustavo Montalvo made the statement during a follow-up meeting topresident Danilo Medina´s instructions on Tuesday to bolster public safety withincreased police-military patrols nationwide. "Under no circumstances willthe authorities allow the Dominican people´s peace and tranquility upended."

“The purpose is tostrengthen the of Public Safety Plan and ensure peace and tranquility to theDominican people," Montalvo said during a meeting with Defense minister MaximoWilliam Muñoz, Police chief Nelson Peguero, Interior Police minister JoseRamon Fadul, Justice minister Francisco Dominguezand and other senior military and police officials.

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