Local August 7, 2015 | 10:26 am

Mogul denies Dominican-Haiti merger plan, slams major daily

Santo Domingo.-Dominican mogul Juan Vicini on Thursday clarified that the Quisqueya BinationalEconomic Council (CEBQ) neither promotes nor encourages Dominican Republic´s mergerwith Haiti in the context of its economic development projects along the border.

In a letter to Hoynewspaper editor in chief Bienvenido Alvarez, Vicini questions the motivebehind the demand from more than 20 organizations that the government deportundocumented immigrants, and prevent the CEBQ from developing its plans.

He slammed the Hoyreport ´Groups call for deportations´ on Sunday as “misconception” in thepractice of journalism, “adorned with countless grammatical annotations and syntaxwhich dissociate these concepts…”

The co-president of the CEBQ saidthe report also failed to “care for detail, which unless it´s a naive belief ofthe claimants, “these proclaimed falsehoods nourished by such propagandaconjured with the typical goal of any false propaganda; hide the truth underthe terror and violence of a lie that achieves silence.”

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