Local September 3, 2015 | 8:28 am

Agents raid 39 shops in busy mall, seize ´toad´cell phones

Santo Domingo.-Justice ministry prosecutors and National Police agents raided 39 cell phone shopsand seized equipment of various brands and models in the busy downtown mall PlazaCentral.

The authorities saidthe raids form part of an operation against the illegal business of previously stolenmobile phones known as "macos" (toads).

The Justice Ministryand the National Police said the raids were conducted with 174 search warrants issuedby National District judge Alejandro Vargas, against the sale of "macos,"whose owners aren’t required to present any kind of identity.


Most cell phone vendorssaid the authorities acted arbitrarily during the raids.

"The authoritiesrepressed us while taking away cell phones and computers without giving explanations;this is an abuse," said cell phone vendor Manuel Gonzalez, quoted bylistin.com.do.

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