Local September 23, 2015 | 4:03 pm

Dominican leader has a tight schedule in NYC

Santo Domingo.- PresidentDanilo Medina will heade a meeting with the Dominican community in the schoolHermanas Mirabal on Jumel Place, with 168th St., uptown Manhattan 4pmnext Sunday.

In the activity, thepresident and leaders of Dominican Republic´s ruling party (PLD) in New York, willdiscuss his administration´s gains and the "education revolution."

Also discussed will bethe social programs in the Dominican Republic through the various agencies, theissue of public safety and other topics relevant to the Dominican community inthe US.

Medina is also slatedto attend activities relating to the UN General Assembly, which will coincidewith Pope Francis.

Dominican ambassadorto the UN Francisco Cortorreal provided the information and asked the communityto attend the meeting with Medina and his delegation.

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