Local September 23, 2015 | 11:23 am

US envoy, top Dominican official talk migrants, crime

Santo Domingo.- Interiorand Police minister Jose Ramon Fadul and US ambassador James W. Brewster met Wednesdayto discuss public safety and the government program to legalize aliens, amongother topics issues.

The US diplomat andthe official discussed crime in the country and Fadul provided details on his agency´swork in the legalization program, including the Ministry´s 25 offices to registerforeigners operating in each province and three mobile units.

In the meeting held inthe Interior and Police Ministry building (El Huacal), Brewster was accompaniedby US Embassy political attaché Stocy Maupin and?? UN Office for Refugees(UNHCR) deputy representative Federico Martinez, whereas deputy minister WashingtonGonzález accompanied Fadul.

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