American Chamber VP slams governments lack of will on corruption

Santo Domingo.- AmericanChamber of Commerce first vice president David Fernandez on Wednesday slammed thegovernments for in his view a lack of will to fight corruption.
He said recent casesshow that governments´ always lack the will since they talk only about raisingtaxes but never to reduce corruption.
"Let us all makethe commitment to fight this scourge," Fernandez said, adding that he regretsthe recent corruption cases in the various government agencies.
The business leaderalso noted Transparency International´s latest Corruption Perception Indexreleased in 2014, in which Dominican Republic ranks 115 among the 173 countriessurveyed. "We improved from the position of the previous year but when onereviews the country such as the measure of value, we see that our average gradeis around 30, where 100 is best and zero the worst."