Local October 13, 2015 | 7:10 am

Protests press Haiti president to meet with Dominican Republic par

Santo Domingo.-Dominican Republic president Danilo Medina will meet with Haiti presidentMichel Martelly in western Barahona province 11am Tuesday, to discuss Port-au-Prince´sban on 23 Dominican products, among other topics.

The announcement Mondaynight comes in the heels of protests of the ban by Haitian and Dominicanmerchants especially at Dajabon, site of the biggest binational market,shuttered since early last week.

Dominican presidencyspokesman Roberto Rodriguez Marchena said the meeting was scheduled at the requestof Haiti´s government.

Several seniorofficials will accompany Medina including Customs director Fernando Fernandez.

Haiti imposed a banon the overland entry of 23 Dominican products, including rebar, cement,juices, flour, pasta, cooking oil, shortening, butter, water, detergent and PVCpipes.

The boycott on trade byDominicans and Haitians enters its fifth day including the market held Mondayand Friday here, as merchants complain that sales have plummeted.

The retailersorganizations which had called the boycott say their stance is firm until Haiti´sgovernment more ease the ban, in effect since October 1.

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