Local October 14, 2015 | 10:09 am

Applications for the UK Government’s prestigious Chevening Scholarships open 3 Augus

The Chevening Secretariat is acceptingapplications for 2016/2017 Chevening Scholarships via www.chevening.org/apply from 3 August until 3 November2015.

Chevening Scholarships are awarded to individuals with strong academicbackgrounds who also have demonstrable leadership potential. The scholarshipoffers financial support to study for a Master’s degree at any of the UK’sleading universities and the opportunity to become part of an influentialglobal network of 44,000 alumni.

The call for newapplicants follows the selection of 13 scholars from Dominican Republic, whowon an award to study at a UK university this year.

There are approximately 1,500 Chevening Scholarshipson offer globally for the 2016/2017 academic cycle. These scholarshipsrepresent a significant investment from the UK Government to develop the nextcohort of global leaders.

Her Majesty’s Ambassador, Steven Fisher said:

‘Being a Chevening Scholar marks you out as someone with drive and ability,and also as someone who wants to contribute to the development of your country.It offers you a unique opportunity to gain academic experience and at the sametime to broaden your global and social outlooks. Above all, it empowers youwith a sense of pride and responsibility. I believe that the role of CheveningScholars is very important in building bridges between their home countries andthe UK as Chevening Scholars learn how to be ambassadors for knowledge and forleadership.’

Chevening Secretariat Director, Michael Scott-Kline, said:

‘A Chevening Scholarship is a mark of honour bestowed on individuals whohave been identified as having the qualities to become highly influentialglobal leaders. Not only do award recipients receive a first-rate UK education,through Chevening they join a vibrant community of Chevening Alumni, Foreignand Commonwealth Office staff, UK universities, and partner organisations. CheveningAward recipients will draw on and contribute to this community for the rest oftheir lives. I am delighted to announce the opening of the 2016/2017competition for Chevening Scholarships. I strongly encourage emerging andestablished leaders to make an application – it may be the best decision youever make.’

Chevening Programme Manager, NyssaLee-Woolf, said:

‘As wellas an unparalleled academic experience, Chevening Scholars enjoy exclusiveaccess to a wide range of events and opportunities designed to introduce themto the UK, its history, institutions, customs, and people. Scholars couldtake in the breath-taking views of the Scottish Highlands, come face to facewith Britain’s heritage and history in its stately homes and castles, or debatediplomacy and international policy at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.‘

More information

Visit www.chevening.org/faqs for detailed information on theeligibility criteria and award specifications.



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