Local October 15, 2015 | 11:10 am

Bishops hail meeting of Dominican Republic, Haiti leaders

Santo Domingo.- TheDominican Episcopal Conference on Thursday said the meeting between presidentsDanilo Medina of Dominican Republic and Michel Martelly of Haiti was timely to avertfurther misunderstanding and hatred between the two neighbor nations.

In statement publishedby the catholic newspaper Camino the bishops said it´s is essential to learn tolive with respect, seeking alternatives that allows each nation to grow andwork for the poorest on both sides of the border, without outside interference “whichoften seeks prominence.”

"We mustadvocate so that the agreements signed are respected, that wisdom reigns betweenthe authorities of the neighboring country and ours, and that no particularinterest is above the legitimate aspiration of people in each country who longfor a decent life," the bishops said.

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