Top Dominican, US prosecutors meet, talk fight on crime
Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic Justice minister FranciscoDominguez met with the United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Thursday,to discuss organized crime and other topics.
During the meeting inColombia held as part of the 10th Meeting of Ministers of Justice orAttorneys General of the Americas (REMJA) Dominguez stressed the importance offurther bolstering ties and cooperation with US authorities to combat crime.
He called the DominicanRepublic-US extradition treaty very positive, since in his view will allow amore effective fight against crime.
The two officialsalso issue discussed the increase in human trafficking and cooperation aimed atstrengthening that fight.
Dominguez lauded theUnited States support on key projects and thanked US ambassador James (Wally)Brewster for the US Embassy´s support.