Local October 19, 2015 | 8:44 am

Seized properties worth RD$86M off to the auction block

Santo Domingo.- The National Committee Against MoneyLaundering (CONCLA) on Tuesday will auction off eight apartments, seven lots, ahouse, two cars and a watch with a total worth of more than RD$86.0 million, which were confiscated in various cases ofmoney laundering.

The auction is set for 10am Tuesday at CONCLA offices, onFederico Henriquez y Carvajal No. 1, Gazcue, National District.

The sale of the confiscated properties in favor of theDominican State will be made after definitive convictions were handed down byvarious courts.

The National Drug Council, National Drugs Control Agency,the Justice and Finance ministries and the Banks Superintendence form theCONCLA.

Among the properties on the block figure 3 apartments in the National District of 135 square meters each worth RD$3.6 million.

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