Local October 19, 2015 | 5:32 pm

Truckers, the biggest losers in Dominican-Haiti border stalemate

Santo Domingo.- Thepresident of Dominican Republic’s biggest truckers union (Fenatrado) on Monday saiddespite ending the shutdown of commerce and exports, even products which aren’tbanned haven’t been shipped to Haiti.

Blas Peralta said thefact Fenatrado union members in border towns and Dominican merchants who exportto Haiti have lifted the strike, doesn’t mean freight is already enteringHaiti, “because I repeat, there has been no walkout here, what has occurred infact, is a closed border.”

He said the halt of transportcontinues at the border a situation he affirms is causing losses as high as RS$200million. "If some 100 semis enter Haiti daily and each haul costs aminimum of 1,300 dollars, multiply 100 by 1,300, how much would it be during thetime it was paralyzed? We’re talking incalculable sums."

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