Local October 20, 2015 | 3:27 pm

Dominican govt. ´respects´ dissent but anti-corruption protests mount

Santo Domingo.- The Interior and Police Ministry on Tuesday saidthe government guarantees the right to protest, but is committed to protect therights of Dominicans, who should in turn, "respect the house of the Dominican government."

The statement comesas groups of diverse sectors across the country hold rallies and protests evenin front of the National Palace, with grievances ranging from an increase inpensions for retired sugar cane workers, to a halt to the rampant corruption inpresident Danilo Medina´s Administration.

In a statement Interiorand Police said it´s normal for unions or a group of citizens in any streetcorner or square to draw attention to a situation that merits concern orrequires measures with the intervention of a government agency.

It notes however that“we want to make it clear that the exercise of one´s rights cannot mean aviolation of the rights of others.

More protests

On Tuesday theDominican Teachers Association (ADP) national executive committee announced itwill join the ‘human chain’ to take place Wed. in front of the State Works SupervisoryEngineers Office (OISOE), fraught with complaints of alleged corruption.

"What occurredin OISOE involves 4% of the funds for education," ADP executive XiomaraGuante said at a press conference, and called on the teachers "to participatein the human chain."

On 14 October a groupof people arrived to protest outside OISOE headquarters forming a ‘human chain’but were kept at bay by numerous riot police which forced them to disperse.

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