Local October 21, 2015 | 8:27 am

Retreat to house Dominican deportees, in addition to Haitians

Santo Domingo.- The processto hand over deported persons returning to the country from abroad will be takeplace starting today Wednesday in the Immigration Agency´s (DGM) complex locatedin Haina, 10 kilometers west of the capital, EFE reports.

In a statement theDGM said the decision "aims to provide more and better facilities fordeportees and their relatives who come to receive them."

It said DGM headquartersare being remodeled, for which the areas "don’t comply with the requiredamenities", so it was decided to move them to Haina "for greater comfort.”

The site at Haina, formerlya vacation retreat for public school teachers, is currently the processingcenter for foreigners, mostly Haitians, awaiting deportation.

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