Local October 22, 2015 | 4:41 pm

No more chiefs, fewer generals in Dominican police

Santo Domingo.- TheSenate on Thursday passed in the first roll call and without amendments the bill for the National Police statutory law,which sets a limits of 20generals and bars agents from working for individuals orbusinesses except when there´s clear andpresent danger.

The senate accepted thereport by the Senate Interior and Police commission to pass the legislation,which Elias Piña senator Adriano Sanchez Roa stressed that the head of the Policewill no longer be referred to as "chief" (jefe) but "directorgeneral" instead.

The legislation alsostipulates a two-year tenure for the director general, which once conclude, willautomatically be placed on retirement.

Santiago senatorJulio C. Valentin said the law improves the police image by public opinion,"because its credibility levels are quite low." “Once it takes effectthe law will give the president 24 months to make adjustments on the number of activepolice generals and colonels.”

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