Local October 24, 2015 | 9:46 am

Experts design a seismic plan for Greater Santo Domingo and Santiago

Santo Domingo.– Dominican technicians designed a draft for seismic risk management for Greater Santo Domingo and Santiago, said the Economy, Planning and Development Ministry (MEPyD).

The technicians, who work in state institutions that plan actions for seismic risk mitigation, are members of the Inter-Agency Network of Alumni of the Japan’s International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and experts in earthquake-resistant engineering, seismic prevention and risk management.

They are involved with the Public Works Ministry, the National Geological Survey (SGN), and the National Seismic Evaluation and Vulnerability of Infrastructure and Buildings(ONESVIE).

The Dominican experts presented their proposal at the workshop on Project Management Cycle sponsored by JICA. The initiative would benefit a combined population of 3.6 million inhabitants.

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