Local October 26, 2015 | 9:10 am

Agro heads first half 13% jump in exports

Santo Domingo.- DominicanRepublic Export and Investment Center (CEI-RD) director Jean Alain Rodriguez onSunday affirmed that Dominican exports, excluding mining products and freezones, climbed 2.9%, paced by agro products, with a 13% jump from January to June.

He said in those sixmonths exports increased from US$972.0 million in 2014 to US$1.09 billion in thesame period this year.

Rodriguez said the declinein domestic exports was mostly on lower international prices for miningproducts. "In fact, if we eliminate the mining products from the analysisof the January-March 2014/2105 quarter, our domestic exports showed a 5.8% growth.

He said under presidentDanilo Medina´s leadership the CEI-RD has “tenaciously” accompanied productivesectors, with very positive results.

The official said inthe case of the pineapples from Cevicos, his agency has promoted their exportsto foreign markets as a result of Medina´s surprise visits to rural areas.

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