Local October 27, 2015 | 8:19 am

After feet dragging, the government says it will fight dengue

Santo Domingo.- Severalgovernment agencies helped by the military and police will be deployed as partof a national plan to fight dengue starting Friday.

The announcement comesin the heels of mounting criticism that the government is dragging its feet inresponse to the dengue outbreak.

The initiative, announcedin the National Palace on Monday, aims to eliminate mosquito breeding sites andfumigate risk areas, and will operate out of the provincial governors´ offices.

Health ministerAltagracia Guzman said government workers across the country will join thefight against the disease, has killed at least 100 Dominicans according tolocal media.

"On thePresident´s instructions we set forth this measure which seeks to expand theactions being carried out for months to fight dengue, joined by public employeesto eliminate breeding sites and guide the communities,” the official said.

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