Local November 2, 2015 | 8:05 am

Dominican Republic Govt. ´tweets´ its way out of facing the press

Santo Domingo.- DominicanNewspapers Association president Persio Maldonado on Sunday said he regrets thefact that we´ve reached the point that the media publish what governments want,because they don’t face journalists´ questions and “tweets its position withonly 140 characters.”

He said it´s the newtrend of democratic governments, contrary to conservative regimes such as thatof the late president Joaquin Balaguer, who despite his surliness with themedia, allowed the press five or six questions every week on any topic which journalistschose.

Maldonado said contraryto what occurred at that time, today current president Danilo Medina doesn’t letthe media questioning him over the various national issues.

Interviewed by HéctorHerrera Cabral on Channel 11 Telesistema, also editor-in-chief of newspaper ElNuevo Diario said he also regrets the fact that the government “tweets its positionwith only 140 characters,” while the media don’t get a chance to ask questions.

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