Local November 3, 2015 | 8:40 am

Dominican newspapers: Medina dodges the press

Santo Domingo.- Newspaper El Dia editor-in-chief Rafael MolinaMorillo on Monday said he agrees with Dominican of Newspapers Association presidentPersio Maldonado, that president Danilo Medina doesn’t speak openly with journalistsand officials seek to publish only what the government wants to inform.

Maldonado,editor-in-chief of newspaper El Nuevo Diario, on Sunday Medina is dedicated tomaking “statements on Twitter in 140 characters.”

Meanwhile his colleaguein newspaper Listin Diario, Miguel Franjul, said the president´s style in managingpublic affairs in which Government spokespersons disclose extensive informationon his activities, either in interviews or written, formal statements. "Naturallythe press wants to know more, and that is their natural right and hisfundamental mission."

Franjul said the presidentshould cultivate, during his tenure, a fluid relationship with the media, allowingjournalists to ask questions about topics of general interest, as customary in ademocracy.

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