Local November 4, 2015 | 8:36 am

More Dominicans to form human chains against corruption

Santo Domingo.- Thegrassroots movement Poder Ciudadano (Citizen Power) on Tuesday announced arallies for Wednesday afternoon when protesters will form a “human chainsagainst corruption.”

The protest, which isexpected to take place in several Dominican cities and communities ofDominicans abroad, has become a diverse and collective exercise of public unrest.

The Human Chain againstCorruption and Impunity demands the shuttering of the State Works SupervisoryEngineers Office (OISOE), which the protesters call a source of illicitenrichment for officials and politicians.

Created by a popularassembly on September 13, Poder Ciudadano´s more than 45 organizations for thesixth straight week call on Dominicans to empower themselves to influencepublic policy through peaceful protests.

Among the sites for theexpected protests figure Santo Domingo, San Cristobal, Bonao, La Vega, Mao andAzua, and US cities in New York and Pennsylvania.

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