Local November 9, 2015 | 7:12 am

Road Safety campaign for long weekend

Santo Domingo.- Several institutions are working onthe Juan Pablo II and the Boulevard Turístico del Atlántico highways over the Constitution Day longweekend to provide road users with assistance and ensure their safety. The campaign is led by theconsortium for the highways in coordination with the Metropolitan TransportAgency (AMET) and the Ministry of Public Works (MOPC) Mixed Military-PoliceCommission

They have posted four fully equipped ambulance unitsalong the Santo Domingo-Samaná highway. One is located at the Naranjal tollstation, one at the gas station, a third at the Guaraguao toll station, and thefourth at the Rincón de Molenillos crossing. A further four ambulances areposted on the Boulevard Turístico del Atlántico, at the Cruce de RincónMolenillo-on the stretch between Nagua-Sánchez, another at the El Catey tollarea, on the Majagualito stretch between Samaná-El Limón-Abra Grande, and inLas Terrenas, on the Balatá-Abra Grande stretch.

Director of operations Gustavo Vila saidthat they have added a fourth road safety and assistance unit at every 25 kilometers onboth highways, and they are continuously monitoring the roadways, as well as providing a freetow-truck service posted at strategic points.

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