Local November 9, 2015 | 6:38 am

Two arrested for councilor’s murder

Santo Domingo.- The police informed Sunday that it has arrested two suspects inconnection with the murder of a Reformist Party Cristiano (PRSC) councilor inSabana de la Mar.

Atthe same time, they say they are seeking one other person thought to be themastermind behind the death of the councilor, who was shot dead in a colmado heowned in the neighborhood of Catarey, Sabana de la Mar, in the province of HatoMayor.

Venancio de la Cruz Trinidad, 50, was killed by a bullet wound to the head, according to the medical examiner’s report.

A man and a woman are under investigation, but the police have yet to release their names.

The preliminary report states that the attack on councilman De La Cruz Trinidad occurred at around 11:30 p.m. on Saturday in the Tete Colmado and Butcher’s Shop on Sánchez street at the corner with Eleuterio de León.

The report adds that two men appeared on the scene, including “ElMello”, who in circumstances that are under investigation is thought to have shot the councilor, causing his death.

"We are trying to locate El Mello and we have a man and a woman in detention whose names we will disclose later to avoid hindering the investigation process," said the Police Chief, Major General Nelson PegueroParedes.

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