Local November 11, 2015 | 9:00 am

Movement protests corruption across Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- PoderCiudadano (citizen power), a group of grassroots movements on Tuesday calledfor their usual workweek protest dubbed Human Chain Against Corruption, acrossthe Dominican Republic today Wednesday.

The organization saidthe protests will take place in Santiago, San Francisco, La Vega, Bani,Barahona, Cotui, Haina, Villa Vasquez, Higuey, Jimani, National District,Licey, Moca, Bonao, San Juan and Santiago Rodriguez.

It said there will alsobe protests in Dominican communities in New York and other US cities and othercountries.

It said the protest inthe National District will start at 5pm in front of the corruption-plagued StateWorks Supervisory Engineers Office (OISOE) on Dr. Baez corner Moises Garcia streets,also in front of the National Palace.

Poder Ciudadano demandsan end to impunity, punishment for corrupt officials and that president Danilo Medinadissolve the OISOE, as an illegal, illegitimate source of graft and other scandals.

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