Dominican Down Syndrome Association launches collectible pins

Santo Domingo.- DominicanDown Syndrome Association, ADOSID, president Mary Esther Valiente de Villanuevaon Wednesday announced the launch of five collectible pins for society´s inclusionand raise funds for the hundreds of children it supports.
ADOSID supports the Foundation´sQuiéreme Como Soy (love as I am) platform in its traditional event of theseason of love, now in its sixth year.
She said ADOSID aims topromote the value of social inclusion through a unique and valuable message#INCLUYEME.
Valiente stressed "#INCLUYEME´smessage from all and for all. “Everyone wants to be part of something, theywant to be included. In the family, among friends, at a party, at work, on aproject, in daily life."
"We´ll rest easywhen we witness a society that provides equal opportunities to all," shesaid.
Valiente added that thepins will be on sale starting Sunday November 15 at Quisqueya Stadium for RD$50and the funds will go for training and ADOSID activities for children and youngsterswith Down syndrome. "We´re committed to a sensitive society, able tointegrate all its citizens. We believe in that big heart which Dominicansalways have and are willing to speak out in favor of those most in need.”