Local November 12, 2015 | 9:47 am

Relatives of suicide contractor slam anticorruption chief

Santo Domingo.- Therelatives of David Rodriguez, the contractor who took his own life two monthsago in of the State Works Supervising Engineers Office (OISOE) accused Anticorruptionprosecutor Laura Guerrero of protecting former director Miguel Pimentel Kareh andformer technical director Jose Miguel Florencio.

Rodriguez family attorneyMiguel Surun, said Anticorruption refuses to release copies of theinterrogations of Florencio and Pimentel, calling it a scheme to protect them. "We´verepeatedly visited the Anticorruption Directorate and told us that they cannot handover the interrogation of these people."

Quoted by elnacional.com.do, the attorney said he was madeaware of the fact that Guerrero doesn’t want to release the depositions becausethe interrogators accommodated the questions for the officials.

He called the handling ofthe Pimentel and Florencio case thus far “worrisome” and said he fears how passivelythe prosecution takes the case against those most responsible, who’ve yet to beindicted.

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