Local November 13, 2015 | 8:30 am

Dominican leader wants ethics, but for other political parties

Santo Domingo.- PresidentDanilo Medina on Thursday urged the political parties here and in Latin Americato raise the ethical bar, and need to work for the citizens more than ever.

Medina´s statement comesdespite broad rebuke of the ruling PLD party´s silence on the rampant corruptionduring his three years in office, during which accused officials are seldom indictedor fired.

The head of state, inhis speech to open the plenary meeting of the Permanent Conference of PoliticalParties (COPPPAL) in Santo Domingo, said political parties should submitthemselves to change and the scrutiny of citizens.

Medina said eachcountry should find the tools needed to make the political parties moretransparent and broaden the participation of their rank-and-file, relying ontechnology. "The times in which the important thing was to win are gone, sincenow it´s the time to convince."

In the conclave also participatedCOPPPAL deputy chairman Gustavo Carvajal Moreno, pro-government PRD party presidentMiguel Vargas, and ruling PLD party representative Manolo Pichardo, among otherlocal and regional political leaders.

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